Plack, Ernest A.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, February, 1887
Date of Death:
October 3, 1918
Hero Bio:
Ernest A. Plack was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in February, 1887. Nothing is known of his early life or of his relatives, except that his parents now live in Minneapolis. He entered the Service from Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, on July 5th, 1918, and served in the 27th Company, 7th Training Battalion, in Company F, 157th Infantry, 40th Division, and in Company I, 110th Infantry, 28th Division. He went overseas on August 8, 1918.
Private Plack died October 3d, 1918, of wounds received in action. Previous to that time his division had been fighting in the Argonne Forest, and since the 26th of September had advanced from the jump-off line into the Bois d’ Apremont. It is probable that the soldier lost his life in that vicinity, while the 77th and 28th Divisions were driving the Germans out of the forest. It is unknown how long he had served in the division.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Company I 110th Infantry 28th Division